Presentation & panel discussion: Vive la revolution! The captive revolution in Europe – next steps?
Captives are moving onshore in France and Italy along with Sweden and Switzerland and risk managers across Europe are hoping for the same in their home states such as Spain and Germany.
The big questions are:
- Why have ‘onshore’ captives become so popular in Europe? What are the core benefits?
- What happened in France and Italy to make it more attractive to create captives at home?
- How were rules changed to make it more attractive and how were authorities persuaded this was a good idea?
- What needs to happen to persuade the German and Spanish authorities to buy-in to the idea?
- What is happening at the EU-level and EIOPA?
- What is the best way of using captive to support the global programme and maximise coverage and cost benefits?
- How can the captive be used to tackle difficult emerging risks?
- How to use the captive to tap the capital markets/reinsurance/retro market and where is this headed?
Brigitte Bouquot, French Federation of Corporate Captives (FFCC)
Philippe Cotelle, FERMA
Esme Gould, Zurich Commercial Insurance UK, Zurich Insurance Group
Stephen Morton, AIG
David Vigier, HDI Global SE
Philippe Cotelle, FERMA
Esme Gould, Zurich Commercial Insurance UK, Zurich Insurance Group
Stephen Morton, AIG
David Vigier, HDI Global SE

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:30 AM